Glory Church

I had the honour of creating the Visual Identity for Glory Church |  Northampton.


Pinch Art

Project Vision

I was tasked with creating the Visual Identity(*VI) for Glory Church (formerly W5 church in Northampton. The VI is represents the weighty Glory of God coming upon a man and bringing him to his knees.

When searching for an image reference of the man I could only find muslim praying with there faces down but then I found an image of prophet Tomi Arayomi (A public figure connected with the church). This image worked perfectly as a refernce point. I was also inspired by the new VI from Lloyds bank which depicts a horse.

The other elements of the image take reference from Exodus 13 and symbolise the presence of God.

And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night.
Exodus 13:21

Mono & Alternative Glory Church VI’s
ATC Rewards

Brand Identity Development

Other features of the Glory Church VI include the oval peak of a hill. Not only does this add visual intrigue to the design but it also is symbolic of the hill of the Lord (Psalm 24:3-4). In the Kingdom of god ‘the way up is down’ so the figure of the man going low upon the peak of the hill is interesting.

© 2021 Pinch Design